Official statistics of Catalonia

Business Confidence Indicators. Q2/2024

The Harmonized Business Confidence Index for Catalonia increased by 2.3% in the second quarter of 2024 compared to the previous quarter.

Indicators of Service Sector Activity. Turnover Index. 02/2024

The Turnover Index in Service Sector increased by 4.5% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in February 2024.

Industry Turnover Index. 02/2024

The Industry Turnover Index for industrial products, excluding energy, registered a year-over-year increase of 2.6% in Catalonia in February 2024.

Foreign Trade according to Technological Content. Q4/2023 and 2023. Provisional data

Sales of industrial products abroad decreased at all technology levels in the fourth quarter of 2023. In 2023, products of medium-high technology level had the largest increase in exports, by 14.0%.


Evolution of the main indicators More indicators

Statistical Institute of Catalonia

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